Volunteer with City of Edinburgh

Interested in getting more involved in the running of the Club? We always have opportunities to get involved both on and off the court. Email us at cityofedinburgh@gmail.com for more details

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2013-2014 Honours

Senior Women and Junior Women - National League winners

Senior Women - Scottish Cup winners

Senior Women - National League Playoff winners

Junior Men and Cadette Women - Division 2 League champions

Senior Women and Senior Men - Lothian Cup winners

Senior Women - Lothian League winners

U12 Girls - East & Central RDL winners

U12 Boys - National Challenge winners

View the full list of club honours

2014 Annual Awards & Race Night

The 2014 ANNUAL AWARDS & RACE NIGHT is less than two weeks away!

We've made a great start with just about 100 horses and 100 jockeys. We want to hit our new target of 192 of each so those teams who haven't handed in yet please try and sell at least 2 horses and 2 jockeys each per player.

We really need race sponsors too. £50 per race, so get asking any shops or business contacts you may have and get them involved.

It is getting really close to the event so please ensure you get all forms + monies back to Simon by Friday 2nd May 2014.

You can give them to your team coach or manager to pass on, or directly to Simon when he is down at practise on Thursday nights at the school. Simon will also pop round all sessions again when we come back after the Easter holidays.

We want this to be the BIGGEST year yet for the club.

Tickets are on sale now at only £5 (including buffet) for the event which takes place on Saturday 10th May at Easter Road stadium.


If you have any questions or need a form you can get Simon on 07815925066 or simonflockhart@yahoo.co.uk.

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