Volunteer with City of Edinburgh

Interested in getting more involved in the running of the Club? We always have opportunities to get involved both on and off the court. Email us at cityofedinburgh@gmail.com for more details

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2013-2014 Honours

Senior Women and Junior Women - National League winners

Senior Women - Scottish Cup winners

Senior Women - National League Playoff winners

Junior Men and Cadette Women - Division 2 League champions

Senior Women and Senior Men - Lothian Cup winners

Senior Women - Lothian League winners

U12 Girls - East & Central RDL winners

U12 Boys - National Challenge winners

View the full list of club honours

Our very own BFG

The Club had an unusual request that led to a great day out for one of our Senior players. We were contacted by Prospect Bank School in Edinburgh which is for children with complex additional support needs.

They have been studying Jack and the Beanstalk and wondered if we could organise a player visit to prove that "not all tall people want to grind their bones"! We sent our friendliest and tallest player Simon Flockhart along to meet them and you can see the results here on the school blog.

The kids seemed to have loved Simon's visit almost as much as he enjoyed going!

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