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2013-2014 Honours

Senior Women and Junior Women - National League winners

Senior Women - Scottish Cup winners

Senior Women - National League Playoff winners

Junior Men and Cadette Women - Division 2 League champions

Senior Women and Senior Men - Lothian Cup winners

Senior Women - Lothian League winners

U12 Girls - East & Central RDL winners

U12 Boys - National Challenge winners

View the full list of club honours

Another Super Saturday! Fixtures for 6th and 7th December

You wait all season for a Super Saturday and then two arrive in a row!! This weekend we have 5 games at Portobello on Saturday with only the Senior Men away in Arbroath. The standout game of the weekend is the Senior Women's game against Lady Rocks with both teams currently undefeated in the league. The Cadette and Junior Women will also have tough match ups against the Lady Rocks earlier in the day. The Cadet Men will be hoping to continue with last week's good form against Glasgow City and the Junior Men will be looking for revenge against Perth for the defeat inflicted on them in the first game of the season. Also on Saturday the Under 14 girls start their Scottish Cup campaign with a match against East Lothian Dragons.

We have two of our Divison 2 teams in action on Sunday with both the Junior Men and the Cadet Men in action against Boroughmuir Blaze.

Come along and cheer the teams on if you can. We will be taking orders for the Yearbook at the Tuck Shop and we will be doing the second 300 Club draw of the season.

The full list of fixtures is :

6th December11:00Cadette WomenLady RocksPortobello HS
11:30U14 girls
(Scottish Cup)
East Lothian DragonsDunbar Grammar School
13:00Junior WomenLady RocksPortobello HS
15:00Senior WomenLady RocksPortobello HS
15:20Senior MenTayside MusketeersGrove Academy
17:00Cadet MenGlasgow CityPortobello HS
19:00Junior MenPerth PhoenixPortobello HS
7th December15:20U12boys
Junior Men D2
Boroughmuir BlazeThe Crags
17:20Cadet Men D2
Boroughmuir BlazeThe Crags

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