This weekend sees the Club's under 16 and under 18 Division 1 teams head south to take on Newcastle Eagles and Leeds Force in 2 days of preseason warm up games. We are delighted to have such prestigious opposition and we are indebted to Craig Nicol for all his hard work in setting up the tour. As you can imagine, taking 4 teams away is no small feat of organisation!
With an early start on Saturday morning the players will head to Newcastle first to the Westgate Centre of Sport to take on the Newcastle Eagles under 16 and 18 teams. After the games the teams will head to Northumbria University halls of residence where they are staying for the night. On Sunday, the teams will be heading to Leeds University where they will face Leeds Force (the rebranded Leeds Carnegie) before heading back to Edinburgh.
The players have been fundraising to cover the costs of the trip so please help them out by buying one of their basketball cards! The full schedule is below :
Saturday 30th August:
10.30am U18W Newcastle Eagles v City of Edinburgh Kool Kats
10.30am U16M Newcastle Eagles v City of Edinburgh Kings
12.15pm U16W Newcastle Eagles v City of Edinburgh Kool Kats
12.15pm U15M Newcastle Eagles v Gateshead
2.00pm U18M Newcastle Eagles v City of Edinburgh Kings
Sunday 31st August:
1.00pm U16W Leeds Force vs City of Edinburgh Kool Kats
1.00pm U16M Leeds Carnegie vs City of Edinburgh Kings
3.00pm U18W Leeds Carnegie vs City of Edinburgh Kool Kats
3.00pm U18M Leeds Carnegie vs City of Edinburgh Kings