Volunteer with City of Edinburgh

Interested in getting more involved in the running of the Club? We always have opportunities to get involved both on and off the court. Email us at cityofedinburgh@gmail.com for more details

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2013-2014 Honours

Senior Women and Junior Women - National League winners

Senior Women - Scottish Cup winners

Senior Women - National League Playoff winners

Junior Men and Cadette Women - Division 2 League champions

Senior Women and Senior Men - Lothian Cup winners

Senior Women - Lothian League winners

U12 Girls - East & Central RDL winners

U12 Boys - National Challenge winners

View the full list of club honours

It's All In The Bag! Club Members Get A Little Gift To Carry Chrismas Gifts and Basketballs

Santa has brought something special for good members of the City of Edinburgh Basketball Club. He rode in a little early on his sleigh and dropped of a delivery of a new 'City of Edinburgh Basketball Club' sports bag from Kukri Sports. The Club will be 'gifting' one to each of our members who have are on the Good List! Here is how you get on the list...

  • either already paid your subs in full, or have a standing order set up to pay the full amount
  • sold your raffle tickets and returned the money in full along with ticket stubs and any unsold tickets
  • have no outstanding debt with the club

We are only able to do this due to the success of last season's fundraising efforts. As a club we need to continually be looking for ways of bringing in extra money to help with the overall costs of running all our teams. Keep on eye on the site for opportunities to support the club!

Distribution of the bags started at Porty tonight and will also take place tomorrow (Thursday) from 19.30 to 20.30 in the games hall. As we have approx 200 bags to distribute could I ask that as many members as possible make the trip down to the school tomorrow. It's probably the last chance you will have to pick up your bag before we break for Xmas.

You need to be there in person to get your bag or make arrangements for your coach to collect it for you.

Happy Christmas!

'The Committee'
City of Edinburgh Basketball Club

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