Volunteer with City of Edinburgh

Interested in getting more involved in the running of the Club? We always have opportunities to get involved both on and off the court. Email us at cityofedinburgh@gmail.com for more details

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2013-2014 Honours

Senior Women and Junior Women - National League winners

Senior Women - Scottish Cup winners

Senior Women - National League Playoff winners

Junior Men and Cadette Women - Division 2 League champions

Senior Women and Senior Men - Lothian Cup winners

Senior Women - Lothian League winners

U12 Girls - East & Central RDL winners

U12 Boys - National Challenge winners

View the full list of club honours

Your Club Needs You!

Everyone associated with the Club has enjoyed the success of the past few years and our members have benefited from the work put in by the coaches and volunteers who keep the Club running. But there is a limit to what this small group can do.

If the Club is to develop further we need to spread the load. We desperately need more volunteers to assist with the operational aspects of the Club. Fundraising, Sponsorship, Grant Applications, Organising events, Tuck Shop, setting up for Match Days, Table officials, First Aiders, Stats, Programmes, Team Managers are just some ‘backroom’ tasks where the Club needs your help.

If you think you can help in any way at all please let us know. You can email us at cityofedinburgh@gmail.com, or, why not add your name to the Volunteer Register at the Tuck Shop and we will contact you to discuss how you can get involved.

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