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2013-2014 Honours

Senior Women and Junior Women - National League winners

Senior Women - Scottish Cup winners

Senior Women - National League Playoff winners

Junior Men and Cadette Women - Division 2 League champions

Senior Women and Senior Men - Lothian Cup winners

Senior Women - Lothian League winners

U12 Girls - East & Central RDL winners

U12 Boys - National Challenge winners

View the full list of club honours

Only Girls Allowed Basketball - Sunday 27th May

Around 40 girls took part in the City of Edinburgh Basketball Club’s "Only Girls Allowed" basketball session on Sunday 27th May.

This was an event run in conjunction with Active Schools and basketballscotland with funding provided by the City of Edinburgh Council’s Activcity programme. The aim of the session was to get more girls involved in basketball during their primary school years.

The girls came from all over Edinburgh and were coached by some of the players from the Club. At the end of the session the girls were given a basketball to encourage them to keep practising at home and they were invited to attend the Great Britain Women’s game at Meadowbank on 9th June 2012, as guests of the Club.

The girls will also be going to cheer on the U14 Scotland girls who are playing before the GB women. A special cheer will be reserved for ex-City of Edinburgh player Rose Anderson when she takes to the court for GB.

Thanks to Janie, Sarah, Emma, Lauren, Ciara, Shannon, Holly, Katie, Liz, Finny, Kara, Niamh, Tia, Georgia, Rachael, Pollyanna and Laura for all their fantastic coaching and help. Also thanks to Derek and Paul for their assistance.

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