The club has decided it's time to renew our range of merchandise. However as there is a significant financial outlay involved we want to be sure that we only order items that are going to be popular with members, otherwise we end up holding stock that nobody wants, but the club still has to pay for.
Currently we are developing designs and getting feedback from club members on what they think of these draft designs and the different items that they think should make up the clothing range. We received lots of positive feedback from Basketball Saturday on 15th November and leading the way so far are Hoodies, Jackets, Polo Shirts and Tracksuit Bottoms.
For the next two Basketball Saturdays at Portobello, (November 22nd & 29th), you will be able to give us your thoughts on the designs and range of items that have been proposed so far. So come along and see a game and leave us your feedback while you're there.
If you have any other merchandise comments or ideas you would like us to consider please forward them to Garreth Lodge at .....